CHD Hero

Are you or Someone you know a Survivor of Congenital Heat Disease ?

Inspire us and Others!

Let us now your story. Global Heart Network Foundation creates a community of congenital heart disease survivors who share their stories so others can benefit from the actions taken and the lessons learned. Do not forget to mention organizations and people who helped you in this difficult matter of your LIFE! It may help others to be inspired, to seek help or even ideally support and help other people who suffer from CHD! Our aim is to share information in order to enhance collaboration.

a true heroShare!
It is easy to make a story submission. Simply email your story to No story is too big or too small and stories from the heart are the best. Please do not feel the need to be formal or fret over your creative writing abilities. You can include fun stories, memorable moments, how doctors, family, support groups,  donors, ngos etc  have impacted your life. All stories are appreciate
d and welcomed!